Leah Doyle

Leah originally joined SpeakInc in 2006 and currently serves as their Digital Marketer and Analyst. Originally from Southern California, Leah is a graduate of San Diego State University. She currently lives in Jacksonville, FL with her husband, John, and their two children. If she's not taxiing her kids to the ball fields, you can find her at the beach or a local coffee shop!
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Recent Posts

2012 Election Analysis

by Leah Doyle | November 2, 2012
Election 2012 is in full swing and the political/economic landscape is top of mind for most Americans. During this season, ...
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Bring the Excitement of The Olympic Games to Your Event!

by Leah Doyle | July 27, 2012
As the 2012 Summer Olympics in London get underway, are you looking to bring the excitement of the games to your event?
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The Supreme Court hands down its verdict on the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act

by Leah Doyle | June 29, 2012
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Corporate Comedians

by Leah Doyle | May 4, 2012
Looking for a good turnout at your event? Want to spice up your agenda? You know what they say about all work and no play... ...
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You've Booked a Great Speaker... Now What?

by Leah Doyle | April 5, 2012
An open letter to meeting professionals. Courtesy of Christine Cashen.
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Motivation - March Madness Style

by Leah Doyle | March 30, 2012
March Madness is always an exciting time for basketball lovers! With the Final Four games this Saturday, we'd like to share some ...
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Rich Gibbons on the Big Biz Show

by Leah Doyle | March 7, 2012
Recently our president, Rich Gibbons, was invited to appear on the Big Biz Show here in San Diego to talk industry shop with Bob ...
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The Happy Secret to Better Work

by Leah Doyle | February 15, 2012
Shawn Achor has quickly become one of the most sought after speakers on happiness, human potential, and forward progress.
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Happy Groundhog Day

by Leah Doyle | February 2, 2012
For years Americans have looked to Punxsutawney Phil to predict the future. This morning Phil saw his shadow, signifying 6 more ...
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Gettin' Down 2 Business

by Leah Doyle | January 24, 2012
There are theory specialists and then there are those who have been there. Troy Hazard has survived moments of sheer desperation ...
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