Leah Doyle

Leah originally joined SpeakInc in 2006 and currently serves as their Digital Marketer and Analyst. Originally from Southern California, Leah is a graduate of San Diego State University. She currently lives in Jacksonville, FL with her husband, John, and their two children. If she's not taxiing her kids to the ball fields, you can find her at the beach or a local coffee shop!
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Recent Posts

2015 CPAE Speaker Hall of Fame Inductees

by Leah Doyle | July 30, 2015
Please congratulate the newest inductees into the CPAE Speaker Hall of Fame, the National Speakers Association (NSA) awards the ...
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Finesse your follow-up to increase meeting ROI

by Leah Doyle | July 28, 2015
You’ve put on an impressive meeting or conference with stellar printed materials, a luxurious venue, delectable cuisine and ...
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Newly Released Book

by Leah Doyle | July 23, 2015
Earlier this month, David Cottrell released his newest book, Second Quarter ... Get the Most from Life's Toughest Times. This ...
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Someone Told You This Keynote Speaker Was Great…They Lied! 

by Leah Doyle | July 22, 2015
Beads of sweat are beginning to show on your forehead. Your keynote speaker, Jack, is not on site yet and he is scheduled to go ...
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Upcoming Book Release

by Leah Doyle | July 16, 2015
Bruce Tulgan’s next book on Millennials in the workplace, Bridging the Soft Skills Gap: How to Teach the Missing Basics to ...
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New Book Release

by Leah Doyle | July 9, 2015
Today is the Day (Thursday, July 9th 2015), Jeff Haven has released his long awaited new book. Us vs. Them: Redefining the ...
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5 Underestimated Cities to Hold an Event

by Leah Doyle | July 9, 2015
“Get out of Your Comfort Zone and Get a Front-Row Seat to Life” and “Playing It Safe is Risky” are not only the subject matters ...
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Using Technology to Keep Your Attendees Engaged

by Leah Doyle | June 30, 2015
“Put down that phone!”
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CNN's "The Seventies"

by Leah Doyle | June 26, 2015
Captain Charlie Plumb, was interviewed for two hours earlier this year and some of that interview was included in CNN's "The ...
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Increase Conference Attendee Retention

by Leah Doyle | June 22, 2015
If you organize a yearly conference you likely want a great turnout year after year. Unfortunately, retention rates aren’t always ...
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