Breast Health is Important for Men Too! 
October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month; the time of year when organizations, businesses, the medical community, and individuals work collectively to create awareness, raise money for research and spread the word about early detection and prevention. It’s hard to find anyone who hasn’t been touched by cancer, especially breast cancer. It’s a cause that’s very near and dear to our hearts. As a women-owned business we know how important it is to stay active, eat healthy, and stay on top of annual screenings because let’s face it, it saves lives. Many of us, like you, have had a first-hand experience with breast cancer either through family, friends, or colleagues.
Jenna Jorge, President, wrote a touching article entitled “Fight Like a Girl,” highlighting her personal experience watching her mother battle breast cancer and the important lesson of leading with love. She’s a firm believer in strong female leaders paving the way for us. Daily she leads her team with love, grace, compassion, and understanding, essentially creating a culture that inspires us to lead that way too. Women lifting women is what it’s all about!
While the statistics from the American Cancer Society reports women have a 1 in 8 lifetime risk of being diagnosed, we’d be remiss if we didn’t mention men. In 2019, over 2500 men will have been diagnosed with breast cancer. Our local friend, entrepreneur, and hero, Chris Thibault (age 36) has been battling stage 4 breast cancer. His podcast, Living Our Script tackles tough issues that address how he and his wife manage their business, raise their family, and deal with the reality of cancer. Chris may be an ordinary guy but he’s doing extraordinary things when it comes to awareness and education. He’s using his voice and platform to take conversations deep and wide on topics relating to breast cancer. A recent article, “Capturing a Journey” featured in a local publication shares a raw, powerful, and inspiring story of his personal journey. Just like women, men must understand the importance of early detection and breast health! We know breast cancer doesn’t discriminate! The good news is that breast cancer is curable and successfully treatable when detected early, so education is key.
With all things going pink this month, we’ll be going grassroots! Our mission is to dig deep in our local communities, help friends (some we know, some we don’t), and partner with organizations that advocate, educate, and provide assistance to our neighbors. We’re excited to represent GOODworks and show our pink power at a variety of 5k’s, walks, fundraising activities, advocacy, and volunteerism, and we’ll be sharing relevant and important information and inspiring stories on all our social channels throughout the month.
As we head into October, we will think of our loved one(s) who have bravely fought so hard, many of them survivors, many of them warriors taken way too soon. We march forward for them, in their names, and FIGHT LIKE A GIRL!
Please get your mammogram!