Earth Day – April 22, 2009

by Chris | April 22, 2009


What is Earth Day and when is it celebrated? Earth Day is a day to inspire awareness and appreciation for the Earth's environment. The United Nations recognition of Earth Day coincides with the spring equinox--often March 20--and was created by peace activist John McConnell in 1969. Today’s April 22nd celebration started as an environmental teach-in that took place in 1970, founded by Wisconsin Senator Gaylord Nelson.

Earth Day offers opportunities to protect the environment and save money at the same time. Here are a some ideas that we can all try to do: recycle and reuse, drive less and use public transportation more, use programmable thermostats, use reusable shopping bags, unplug unused electronics or appliances and pay bills online.

Although the Global Earth Day Celebration is today, it’s never too late to have an Earth Day theme at your meeting.  Green themes and ideas are very popular as are speakers on the topic.  For suggestions on environmental speakers contact or 800-677-3324.

Topics: Blog

Written by Chris


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