People want the maximum value out of everything that they use today. This includes events and conferences as well. Event planners are therefore getting more creative in order to give the best experience to their attendees. We have gleaned some points to see what is being done in event planning trends to make events really stand out.

Value Addition and Creativity
As part of giving the best customer experience, the best event planning trends in the US include a high degree of value add, personalization, and creativity. The planners provide rich content and some have even provided the program schedule on the back of attendees’ name tags so that they knew what is coming next. It is all about doing that extra thing that would create lasting impressions in the attendees’ minds all the while enriching their industry knowledge and experience.
Out-of-the-Box Thinking
Unorthodox thinking is always welcome when planners organize events. Keynote speakers from outside of the industry give a fresh perspective to thinking and may help to look at things from n all-new perspective ideas. Some planners even encourage the speakers that question the norm and celebrate opposing ideas. Stimulating the thinking of the attendees is the name of the game.
Rejuvenating Breaks
It is true that the attendee has to derive benefit out of the sessions in an event. However, the latest trends in event planning point to having ‘rejuvenating brain breaks’ in between that serves to stimulate otherwise tired minds. Yoga sessions, hands-on workshops, outdoor games, or art exhibitions are some ideas that are fast catching on in this space.
Personalization in events is not just about printing the attendees’ names on the stationery and the takeaway folders. Some event planners are going to the extent of approaching the attendees before the event and asking them their requirements prior to arranging the speakers and the sessions. His would ensure maximum takeaways from the events. There are other event planners that set up a specific app for the event that guides the users on local attractions, dining options, etc., outside of the event.
Green Initiatives
The latest trends in event planning also include green initiatives. Event planners are showing more responsibility in caring for the environment. Most of the products used in events belong to the recyclable category, and many others are biodegradable. From name tags to bags and food containers, event planners are careful about what they use/reuse. Whatever is left unused is donated to others in the community that may need these products
More than creating unique experiences for the attendees, these well-planned events ensure a high renewal rate for future conferences.