Creating a Well Done Conference Website

by Leah Doyle | July 22, 2016

It's time to build an effective website for your event. As the meeting planner, you can delegate this responsibility to one of your committee members, but it is vital that you make sure that your website has all the elements it needs.

As you plan, think like one of your attendees. Figure out what information they'll be looking for and the actions you'll want them to take. Make sure your content answers all their questions and make it easy for the them to engage in your conference.

Here are some vital elements:

Conference Name, Dates, and Logo

These are the three elements any visitor should see first. The best way to make them prominent is to include them in your header. Visitors to your website should not have to scroll down to see these elements. Use text instead of images to ensure search engines index it.


Provide all the information concerning the venue, the address, and instructions on how to get there. Add a Google map, information on parking, and public transport details. Present the venue with a link to its website and include some pictures. Delegates will also appreciate some help in finding their accommodation.


Your schedule should be mobile friendly. Bear in mind that a lot of your attendees will access your site from the phone or tablet both before and during the event. Be sure to instruct users on how to use the mobile schedule. Sometimes that means installing a third party app and entering a code for the specific event. Users should also be able to easily print the schedule.

Registration/Attendance Page

If people want to attend your event, make it easy for them to do so! Include a link to the event registration page on your website and every social network profile with a clear call-to-action such as "Register Here."

Speakers and Activities

People want to know what they're in for. Having pictures and short bios of speakers can help promote your event and your speakers. A bio should include what the speaker is known for, social media links, and a little information on what their session topic will be. We recommend asking your speakers bureau to submit the speaker's bio.

Social Media Feed Integration

Integrate social media feeds onto your website. This should include feeds from Twitter for both your official Twitter account and the conference hashtag(s). You can also incorporate galleries from Instagram and Facebook so attendees can share their photos on the conference site using conference hashtags.

Local Attractions

Attendees will always want to know where the good restaurants and attractions are for after hours. Add this to the site and include links so your attendees can easily access the information.

Your event's website is often the only chance you get to convert visitors into attendees. It is also a resource for attendees who need access to event information and instructions. Take extra time and care to make sure your website is complete and well done.


Topics: Blog

Written by Leah Doyle

Leah originally joined SpeakInc in 2006 and currently serves as their Digital Marketer and Analyst. Originally from Southern California, Leah is a graduate of San Diego State University. She currently lives in Jacksonville, FL with her husband, John, and their two children. If she's not taxiing her kids to the ball fields, you can find her at the beach or a local coffee shop!
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